We must expect great innovations to transform the entire technique of the arts, thereby affecting artistic invention itself and perhaps even bringing about an amazing change in our very notion of art.(Paul Valery)

Interpretation by reconstructing detailed sonic nuances

The late 18th century and the following 19th century experienced a unexpected rich development of piano music, not at least due to the fact that the new differenciation of the key velocity at the Pianoforte provided for keyboard music an until then hardly achievable dynamic flexibility. To an even more dramatic extent the digitalization of sound recording and reproducing provided the digital artists a hitherto completely unexpected wealth of options to shape the musical interpretation. With best instruments, most accomplished instrumentalists and sound engineers the Producers of high developed sample libraries try to capture all possible nuance of traditional instruments in thousands in millions of individual recordings and make them available digitally. In doing this they keep cultural achievements from the time of musical craftsmanship available for the musical language of our digital present and future.
I am trying to use the options as musically meaningful as it is possible for me. All recordings on Klassik-resampled.de were produced in this sense by myself in the last years exclusively with the use of "digital audio workstation" and the most advanced available sample libraries.


Digital virtuosity of musical interpretation

The traditional virtuoso command his instrument in a manner that allows an interpretation of the ultimate possible sophistication and musical density. However, with the technical abilities of new instruments the challenges of musical interpretation change. Just as the techniques and instruments of Chopin or Liszt are far away for instance from the keyboard-virtuosity of the 200-year older Girolamo Frescobaldi, there is likewise no need to limit in the 21st century the concepts of musical virtuosity in the boundaries of musical craftsmanship of the 19th century.

In respect for the historical innovations of the great virtuosos to master the challenges of their instruments - my projects in digital music explore the opportunities of a virtuos use of our contemporary digital instruments trying to make the music produced with them a human musical speech as dense and rich it is ever possible for me.

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Impressum: Steffen Fahl, D-37077 Goettingen, Ludwig-Prandtl-Str.21